Tabitha's Place

Published: October 30, 2018      Updated: March 14, 2025



                                Tabitha's Place is open again with the following restrictions:

                                                           Limit 6 shoppers at a time

                                                           Face masks must be worn

                                                           Maintain 6 feet distancing

                                                           No restroom 

                                                           Bedding (need voucher)




Larry & Sherry Kennedy - Managers


 Larry & Sherry Kennedy - Managers                                                                                     

See items available in the store at Tabitha's Place Thrift Store on Facebook.

Tabithas’ Place is a Community Thrift Store
Tabitha’s is run by individuals who are donating their time so that those in need may be helped. All profits earned at Tabitha’s Place will be used to aid Fortuna Adventist Community Services with its mission to help those in need. Profits will be used to purchase food for the food bank, then for other special needs as funding allows.

Who was Tabitha? (based on Acts 9:32-42)
There was a woman in Joppa, a disciple called Tabitha, whose name in Greek was Dorcas (meaning Gazelle). Her whole life was full of good and kindly actions, she became seriously ill and died. So when they had washed her body they laid her in an upper room. Now Lydia is quite near Joppa, and when the disciples heard that peter was in Lydia, they sent two men to him and begged him, “Please come to us without delay.” Peter got up and went back with them, and when he arrived in Joppa they took him to the room upstairs. All the widows stood around him with tears in their eyes, holding out for him to see the dresses and cloaks which Tabitha used to make for them while she was with them. But Peter put them all outside the room and knelt down and prayed. The he turned to the body and said “Tabitha, get up!” she opened her eyes, and as soon as she saw Peter she sat up. He took her by the hand, helped her to her feet, and then called out to the believers and widows and presented her to them alive. This became known throughout the whole of Joppa and many believed in the Lord.

Donations and requests for assistance will be processed at:
Fortuna Adventist Community Services
2331 Rohnerville Rd.
Fortuna, CA 95540

Phone: (707) 725-1166

Tabitha’s Place phone:
Phone: (707) 725-3339

Location of Tabitha’s Place:
740 11th St.
Fortuna, CA 95540


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