HART: All services are currently provided online at zoom.us. An exception to this are Re-entry groups, which will be offered in-person if needed If you are a client and not enrolled in Zoom, please contact the office at 707-725-9381. You will need access to the internet and a web cam or smart phone.
FOOD BANK: The Food Bank is open Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:30-11:30. Knock on the door and a volunteer will put a food box together for you.
HART - (Humboldt Alcohol Recovery Treatment), a DUI program. 707-725-9381
Tabitha's Place - A community thrift store (mask is required). Now taking VISA/Mastercard 707-725-3339
Dorcas - A volunteer organization to meet the needs of low-income families, a "choice" food pantry (you will need to provide proof of vaccination for COVID19, otherwise you will be given a pre-made food box) and vouchers to shop at Tabitha's Place.
Food Bank - Apply for Cal Fresh downstairs at HART! Sign up for CalFresh/Medical M-W 9am-12pm